Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Summer's Reading - Reflection

Reflection – p.49

1. Did you enjoy reading the story? Why or why not? 
I enjoyed reading the story "A Summer's Reading" because I liked the way George's life and  George's personality are described in it. George has a certain goal but he doesn't have the mental and environmental tools to reach it.  Therefore, it is interesting to go through George's learning process, which begins with the lie he told Mr. Cattanzara. 

2. How did learning about the skills of Explaining Cause and Effect and Uncovering Motives influence your understanding of the story? Give examples. 
Learning about the skill of Explaining Cause and Effect helped me understand George's cause by lying to Mr. Cattanzara. He wanted Mr. Cattanzara to respect him and when Mr. Cattanzara asked him about what he is doing these days, he panicked and lied to him. 
The skill of Uncovering Motives helped me guess what could be Mr. Cattanzara's motives for trying to make George understand the importance of education as a key to succeed in life. 
His motive might be that he cares about George and wants him to succeed in his life.

3. How might awareness to characterization add to your enjoyment of future stories?
Awareness to characterization may add to my enjoyment of future stories because I'll know how the author builds characters in the story. First of all, he describes the character's appearance and then goes on to describing the personality and the characteristics. In future stories I will read, I will know to pay attention to every single detail about a character and then I'll know how to understand the character better. 

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