Tuesday, September 17, 2013

All The Years Of Her Life – Post Reading

In the story "All the Years of Her Life" by Morley Callaghan, Alfred Higgins was caught red handed when he was stealing from his own workplace. When I was twelve, something like that had happened to me. Since then I have learned valuable lessons that are still very significant in my life.  

At the age of twelve I had a best friend called Danna, who was a friend of mine since kindergarten.  Danna and I did everything together: we were sitting(gr.) side by side at school, doing(gr.) homework together and even hanging(gr.) out after school hours. 

At the middle of the first semester, we were studying together to(ww.) a major Math exam – which I was good at but Danna wasn't. As her best friend, of course I was willing to help her get ready for the exam. But the problem was that I didn’t know at the time that Danna planned(gr.) that I would do(phr) the exam for her. 

We were sitting in her bedroom, going over some Math problems, when Danna offered the idea that she would copy my answers during the test, without our teacher noticing. 
At first, I hated the idea, but then she started to cry that her parents would be mad at her for not succeeding at the test and forbid our friendship, blaming it to be the cause(phr.) of her failure. So I agreed, and the result was that our teacher caught us red handed and took us in the middle of the test to the principal office. We explained to the principal what had happened and she punished the both of us that we would get an F on that test and do a lecture in class, telling them what we learned from the situation. 

When I got home my parents already knew about it, and they weren't as mad as I thought they would be. They just told me that they understood why I wanted to help Danna, but I shouldn't choose an immoral way to do so. They also talked with Danna's parents and agreed that Danna and I should talk about the issue so that such a thing wouldn't happen again. Luckily, it hasn't happened again, because I learned that cheating, even if done innocently, is a wrong and immoral thing.

Very good!But your grade remains the same

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