Sunday, February 23, 2014

Talent or Hard Work?

There is no doubt that the combination of talent and hard work paves the way to succeed(gr.) in life. The question asked is what does success depend on more – talent or hard work? Personally, I believe that a certain (amount of) talent is required but at the end, practice makes perfect.

In my opinion, there is no substitute for hard work, not even a remarkable talent. If somebody has a talent, it doesn't mean that they don’t have to work hard to be successful. Nobody is perfect, and there is always something that people have to work hard at to succeed. In order to be an excellent artist, for example, you must have some natural abilities, but only if you are willing to work hard and enrich your knowledge and technique you'll advance from amateur to expert.

Moreover, a study that was conducted two years ago reveals that working hard makes you appreciate your success even more. Knowing you worked hard to succeed in something makes you happier about your success, improves your self-esteem and increases your willingness to work harder next time.     

 In conclusion, talent and hard work together can lead any person to success, but working hard and putting extra effort can lead you to bigger success which you'll appreciate more. So, does talent make life easier? Yes, but whether you are willing to work at something determines if your talent is useful.
